The MADLAB studio is an artist-run studio complex set up and run by Laura Grimm (NL),  Sasha Herman (GB), Camie Laure (NL) and Maria Fraaije (NL) – previously Bas de Brouwer (NL),  Brigitte Jansen (NL), Nathan Favot (FR) and Anton Lyngdal Sirgurdsson (IS)

Vanaf 1 maart 2025 zijn we op zoek naar een nieuwe studiogenoot voor ons complex op een mooie locatie in Hillegersberg (tegenover de oude tramremise, vlakbij rivier de Rotte en de Kleiweg)

Onze ruimte bevindt zich in een voormalig winkelpand die we hebben omgebouwd tot vier studio’s in 2017. De beschikbare studio is 25 m2 en heeft een betonnen vloer en stenen muren. Er zijn metalen stellingkasten, centrale verwarming, een gedeelde keuken en toilet. Houd er rekening mee dat er in deze ruimte geen natuurlijk licht aanwezig is, wel hangen er drie goeie en heldere daglicht TL’s

Naast de beschikbare studio worden de andere drie ruimtes gebruikt door Sasha Herman (animator) Maria Fraaije (tekenaar) en Laura Grimm (beeldhouwer).

Wij zijn op zoek naar iemand met ~

  • een professionele artistieke praktijk
  • iemand die weinig geluid maakt en geen geuren produceert met werk
  • iemand die de ruimte alleen wil huren

Ben je geïnteresseerd, heb je vragen of wil je langskomen voor een bezichtiging? Neem contact met ons op via Stuur alvast een korte introductie van jouzelf en je praktijk mee



From March 1st 2025, we are looking for a new studio member for our complex in Hillegersberg on a beautiful location in Hillegersberg (across the street from the old tram depot, near the river Rotte and Kleiweg).

Our space is in a former shop that we converted into four studios in 2017. The available studio is 25m2 in size with a concrete floor and stone walls. There are metal shelving units, central heating, a shared kitchen and toilet. Please note that there is no natural light in this room, but there are three amazing and bright daylight TL’s 🌞

In addition to the available studio, the other three spaces are used by Sasha Herman (animator) Maria Fraaije (artist) and Laura Grimm (sculptor).

We are looking for someone ~

  • with a professional artistic practice
  • who doesn’t make loud noises / produces smells with their practice
  • who wants to rent alone

Are you interested, do you have any questions or do you want to come by for a viewing? Contact us at Please add a short introduction of yourself and your practice when getting in touch 🍀


Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend | open studios | Location the MADLAB studio, Rotterdam | Date 25th of September – 26th of September 2021 / 24th of September – 25th of September 2022 / 16th of September – 17th of  September 2023
the MADLAB studio opens its doors annually to the public during the Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend. Studio members showcase their work in situ – drop by!
TSA_PDF ”suffer our values” | group show | Location Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Los Angeles | Date 1st of July 2020 

Tiger Strikes Asteroid is launching a new series of printable exhibitions in New York Cit, Los Angeles, Chicago, Greenville and Philadelphia. MADLAB studio will be exhibiting an exquisite corpse drawing to which all of its members contributed. Top to bottom; Nathan Favot – Laura Grimm – Sasha Herman – Brigitte Jansen



L.A.R.p – Los Angeles Rotterdam project | Location Rotterdam & Los Angeles | group show | Date 8th of June 2020 – 28th of June 2020 | Initiated by members of the MADLAB studio

Participating artist initiatives are Bcademie, Stichting B.a.d, de MADLAB studio, HET PLAFOND, RAAR, Galerie Gallery, Pension Almonde, ODD ARK • LA, Monte Vista Projects, LAVA Projects, Acceptable Risk LA, CACtTUS, Peter Kalish & Kayla Tange, Tiger Strikes Asteroid and DXIX.

Visit to see the project in process and learn more about L.A.R.p 2020

Kindly supported by CBK Rotterdam



Tattoo t-shirt launch party | Location MADLAB studio, Rotterdam | Date 10th of August, 2019 | Time 16.00 – 22.00 | Initiated by Sasha Herman

Join us for the launch party of Tattoo t-shirts on Saturday the 10th of August in the MADLAB studio. Tattoo t-shirts are a set of unique limited edition shirts printed using hand carved linoleum stamps. These prints are based on images of sailor tattoos from the turn of the last century. Before tattoos became a part of mainstream culture they were warn by out casts, rebels and sailors for whom they held a special significance, each linoleum print is based on one of these tattoos with a special meaning and significance.

So join us at the MADLAB studio for the launch party of Tattoo t-shirt and get your hands on a uniquely designed, limited edition hand printed t-shirt.

Visit the Facebook event page for more information. 

B-LA connect
| group show | Location Kronenboden, Berlin | Date 7th of June – 23rd of June, 2019

B-LA connect; 20 Art Spaces from Los Angeles in exchange with 22 Art Spaces in Berlin. Art exhibitions, film screenings, performances, talks and more.

From June 7th until June 23rd 2019 B-LA Connect took place in Berlin, as a follow up of CO/LAB III: LA-Berlin. Monte Vista Projects selected the MADLAB studio as their representation for this exhibition, which took place at their partnering collective in Berlin; Kronenboden. 

Kindly supported by CBK Rotterdam




CO/LAB project | group show | Location Torrence Art Museum, Los Angeles | Date 11th of March – 3rd of April, 2019

From the 11th until the 3rd of April, members of the MADLAB studio, joined by Dieuwke Eggink and Roland Spitzer, went to Los Angeles to participate in CO/LAB; an international, emerging artists collaborative project which presents 8 artist-run gallery spaces in LA partnering with 8 artist-run spaces in Rotterdam. Sixteen spaces create eight curatorial projects! Kindly supported by CBK Rotterdam

Whilst in Los Angeles, the MADLAB collaborated with Monte Vista Projects to create new work and curate the exhibition at the Torrence Art Museum.

Participating initiatives are Acceptable Risk LA, Amber Solo, Assembled by Root, De Aanschouw, DE PLAYER, Durden and Ray, DXIX, Foundation B.a.d, HET PLAFOND, LAVA Projects, the MADLAB studio, mandujano/cell, Monte Vista Projects, ODD ARK • LA, RAAR, and Tiger Strikes Asteroid

Kindly supported by CBK Rotterdam



Rendez-vous in Mr. X’s maze | Location MADLAB studio, Kootsekade 12A, 3051 PD, Rotterdam | Date Saturday the 16th of February, 2019 | Time 17.00 – 21.00 Initiated by Nathan Favot

To start 2019 onto a new path, the MADLAB studio warmly invites you inside a maze composed of childhood dreams and radio snippets. Human’s most horrible dictators, war stories and children’s fantasies turned into a painting installation.

The maze is a reconstructed inner journey, and consists of mixed paint on an extravagantly long canvas, combined with sounds, light effects and slide projections. This work was realized between 2017 and 2019 by MADLAB co-founder and artist Nathan Favot A.K.A. Nate On. Visit the Facebook event page for more information and updates!

MADLAB Xmas spectacular | Location Kootsekade 12A, 3051 PD, Rotterdam | Date Saturday the 15th of December, 2018 | Time 20:00 – 03:00

You are warmly invited to join the MADLAB Xmas spectacular! On Saturday the 15th of December starting at 20:00 we will be opening the doors of the MADLAB studio to host a party celebrating the Xmas holidays. Please bring some drinks along and let your friends know, the more the better! The dress code is warm (and horrible) Xmas jumpers, so go to the kringloop, search through that old box in the attic and join us for some spectacular Yuletide celebrations!

Line-up Chris Val 22.00 – 01.00 | Johan Ibrahim Dam 01.00 – 03.00
Limited edition tattoos by Nicolas Chuard

Check the Facebook event page for more recent updates on our program, and the trailer below for an atmospheric impression.. See you there!

I only read when I’m on holiday | Location Kootsekade 12A, 3051 PD, Rotterdam | Date Friday the 29th of June, 2018 | Time 18:00 – 22:00 | Initiated by Laura Grimm

A simulative ☀ immersive performative event
A collaboration between MAMAPublication Studio Rotterdam ☀ MADLAB studio

Date and time ☀ Friday the 29th of June ☀ 18:00 – 22:00 ☀ Free entry
Location ☀ the MADLAB studio ☀ Kootsekade 12A, 3051 PD, Rotterdam
Forecast ☀ perfect weather for a day on the MADLAB beach

Come Join us on Friday the 29th of June for an immersive journey from the city of Rotterdam to the beaches of the French Riviera and the rocky coasts of Iceland, through the power of literature, without leaving the comfort of your beach chair!

As an extension of the exhibition Catalogue hosted by MAMA, the MADLAB studio presents I only read when I’m on holiday. This is a unique opportunity to take time out of your busy schedule and escape your urban surroundings to join us on the MADLAB beach, a mythical environment created through the combination of different realities.

As the sun sets over the Ligurian sea in Nice and the salty water of the North Atlantic washes up on the rocks in Reykjavik, you will be carried away by a disembodied voice reading aloud from a selection of books. These live elements will be brought from several international locations and combined on the MADLAB beach to create a space in which you will be transported to a new reality.

So sit back, relax and let the words wash over you.

I only read when I’m on holiday is curated and organized by members of Team MAMA and the MADLAB studio ☀ Laura Grimm ☀ Nathan Favot ☀ Sasha Herman ☀ Anton Lyngdal




Mr. Awkward Show – season 3 ep. 1 | Location Kootsekade 12A, 3051 PD, Rotterdam | Date Sunday the 20th of May, 2018 | Time 16:00 – 20:00 | Initiated by Anton Lyngdal Sirgurdsson | Special guests Rowan van As & members of the MADLAB studio

Anton Lyngdal A.K.A Mr. Awkward is leaving us for three months. Before he goes, however, he will be presenting the Mr. Awkward show. On Sunday the 20th of May you will be able to see him in action at the MADLAB studio.

Join Mr. Awkward, the MADLAB and special guests for an afternoon of entertainment! The show will be on between 16.00 and 20.00. Those unable to attend can stream the show via the Mr. Awkward Youtube channel

The MADLAB studio opening | Location Kootsekade 12A, 3051 PD, Rotterdam | Date Saturday the 17th of March, 2018 | Time 17:00 – 22:00

After months of preparation, the MADLAB studio was finally ready to open its doors to the public! Saturday the 17th of March marked the beginning of our great adventure.

The MADLAB studio renovation | After moving to Rotterdam in the winter of 2017, Nathan Favot (FR), Sasha Herman (GB), Anton Lyngdal (IS) and Laura Grimm (NL) started renting a space in Hillegersberg. After having been abandoned for over two years, we set out the give this space a new life. Stripping, painting and cleaning, we managed to revive the old shop and reinvent its function into that of a studio- and project space. After six months of hard work the MADLAB studio was born.

MADLAB studio
Kootsekade 12a
3051 PD